Monthly Archives: February 2019

What I’m Listening To!

I thought it’d be fun to share what podcasts I’m listening to and enjoying! Not all are book related but each one has grabbed my attention and has an impact on my life so I wanted to let you know about them and about what they mean to me. Here’s a few podcasts that are off the beaten path!

First there’s mine! 😂 but for real if you didn’t know I have a podcast I do want to let you know about it! RedStarReviews is a labor of love that has provided a creative outlet that really brings me joy. Keep on reading for more amazing podcasts including the one that helped inspire me to launch mine!

If you follow me on any social media then you’ve seen me talk about The No Fly List because it is AMAZING! In it you have a comedian and a journalist who interview incredible people on what it is like to be a POC in America. It’s funny and insightful, and I recommend it so highly!

Read This F___ing Book is a book discussion podcast that not only features two great hosts: they also feature SciFi and Fantasy books!!!!! They feature books I’ve read or want to read and that makes for a fun experience.

The Robcast is the podcast that finally gave me that last little push I needed to launch my own podcast! Rob Bell has long been an inspiration to me, and he constantly encourages his listeners to do the thing they’ve been thinking about for ages. Just step out and try. So I did and I’m thankful I did! He brings wisdom, insight, motivation, and peace. This podcast is SO GOOD!

Y’all know I consider Battlestar Galactica (Reboot) to be the greatest tv show EVER!!! I’ve been wanting to rewatch it and so imagine my joy when Battlestar Galacticast launched! Here’s a chance to rewatch the series and enjoy some fine discussion about it!

I just recently discovered The Frontline Club and I’ve greatly enjoyed this news show’s formatting and content. They take journalists and politicians who were at the heart of conflict and have them discuss those situations in front of a very argumentative audience. Recommended for those who like modern history.

Fareed Zakaria is the host of the best news show in America and while I love watching his tv show on Sunday mornings I enjoy getting to hear his thoughts and interviews while commuting to and from work!

Stories With My Muslim Mom is a great podcast in which a son interviews his mother about her life experiences and opens our eyes to so many things!

And for fellow history lovers Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History just can’t be beat! Do yourself a favor and dive right into his episodes on WWI

So while you’re waiting for the latest episode of RedStarReviews you now have a list of some excellent podcasts to enjoy!