Monthly Archives: April 2019


If there is one book I could convince you to read right now it’s this book I’m about to tell you about! As y’all know one of my goals with RedStarReviews is to draw attention to books that are published either independently or via a small publisher with my Star In The Sky reviews. The concept is that there are so many stars shining brightly in the sky and I want to use my platform to point out some that have grabbed my eye and today I have a very bright shining star of a story to share with you!

The Deadbringer by E M Markoff is the first book of The Ellderet Series and it is AMAZING!!! The author is a member of the Bookstagram Community and I somehow missed that she was an author! One day I saw her post about her characters and thought that they sounded cool so I decided to give the first chapter of the book a try. I hoped I’d like it. I didn’t just like it, Reader, I LOVED IT. This book is so damn awesome! It is a Dark Fantasy with elements of Horror within it. The world created by the author is interesting, the characters are so alive they could step off the pages and into your home. The interpersonal conflicts are some of the best I’ve ever encountered in a book in my reading life. This is a book that grabbed ahold of me and refused to let go! Seriously if there is one book this year that I recommend that you give a chance to please let it be this book! E M Markoff has created such an incredible story that I know you’ll love. After you’ve read it please let me know what you think!

If you’d like to hear me talk more about this story check out the latest episode of my RedStarReviews Podcast

Also! Another reviewer of books Nick T Borrelli has constructed a list of his Top Ten Favorite Fantasy Series and it is an excellent list! It’s inspired me to construct my own top ten so right now I’m stuck with 16 possibles and trying to narrow that down so I can share it with you. Hope to have my list for you soon, but please check out Nick’s list while waiting, and please read The Deadbringer!

Reading With A Baby

Reading your own books with a baby can be tricky. Good luck!

😂 Ok ok I’ll be fair and write more. I did have to pause because baby girl is napping in my arms as I type this and she decided to move. Nap times and night time are the best times I’ve found to read. I’d say lunch time at work but that’s often my nap time nowadays 😊 The kindle app on my iPhone has become my primary book because I can read while she sleeps without a bright light to wake her and it is easy to hold while my baby sleeps in my arms. Also audiobooks are great because I can listen to them on my work commutes.

Yes, reading with a baby is tricky BUT she is worth every missed page and delayed completion of books. Plus I get to spend a lot of time reading her books with her and that’s a joy!

Podcast, reading, reviews, all things bookish definitely take a back seat to my baby and that’s ok. I still enjoy a good tale, they’re just read in smaller increments.

All this to say to my fellow readers and reviewers: I often see so many apologizing for how much time passes between photos, reviews, etc… because life! Please don’t stress. Bookstagram is still here. Your bookish friends understand and we support you placing life first. This is a labor of love for most of us so it’s ok if it takes a hot minute to post. In the middle of everything please remember that you matter, and find the joy in the midst of what you’re doing.

Yes reading with a baby is tricky, but I have a wonderfully amazing and precious bundle of love and joy napping in my arms right now and that is what matters. Peace and love, y’all.

A Crooked Tie

My tie is crooked.

I’m on my way to a funeral.

My baby girl thought my tie was delightful and wanted to play with it. I think she thought her daddy was wearing a bib like she does.

I’m late for the funeral, and my tie is crooked.

I’m always late. I hope to be late to my own funeral. A few minutes earlier I held my laughing baby as she played with my tie. Now I’m headed to a funeral with a crooked tie. Now I’m thinking about time.

I measure distances in time. How long will it take me to get there is always my question. Miles and kilometers aren’t my measurements because they don’t matter when compared to time. Time is our only commodity. Time is all we have, until we don’t have it any more. Time is fleeting. Time is precious. Time passes.

My tie is crooked, but today I beheld the joy on my baby girl’s face while she played with my tie. She has her mother’s smile. For that smile I have all the time in the world.

My tie is crooked, my time is all I have, and I give it to my daughter and my wife.