Monthly Archives: July 2015

Guest Review Of The Name Of The Wind 

While we were away on vacation some friends contributed Guest Reviews for our website! We couldn’t be more thankful especially as having our friends join in on the fun of book reviews was one of the reasons we started this site! Today Danny reviews The Name Of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. Very honored to share his thoughts on this excellent book!

The Name Of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

Guest Review by Danny

First and foremost I have to say this book is Tolkien in its grandeur. I say this bold statement because that’s exactly what the book is: bold. It also has a hint of George R.R. Martin in its violence, setting and mood. Again, another BIG NAME analogy. And you know what? That’s exactly where Patrick Rothfuss belongs: Among the BIG NAMES. 

The Kingkiller Chronicles takes place in the time of knights, bards, traveling performers and musicians, kings, and…..wizards. Heard it, read it and hell they’ve even made movies so we can see it but…..Patrick spares us the clichés that so many have ripped off from Tolkien and spares us the political chaos of Song of Fire and Ice (not that its bad but, who wants to copy what being done well already). Yes indeed folks a breath of fresh air.

The story is centered around Kvothe. A thief, a musician, a rogue, a hero, an Arcanist….Patrick’s version of a wizard. Kvothe is not some muscled barbarian with a mighty blade and mighty steed. Kvothe is a musician with a quick tongue and a great mind. Kvothe is given the opportunity to “set the record straight”, to give the true accounting of his deeds. As Kvothe documents his life you realize two things. Kvothe while still young, has lived more than some old men. The other, is that he regrets it.

Now if the books sound glum forgive me. Its just I don’t want to give anything away and the books are extremely detailed and deep. I could probably write an entire essay on one of the books alone. This book has so many layers. What really drew me to the books was the songs. The music, The way Patrick Rothfuss incorporated songs, poetry, plays, mythology, folklore and science all into one coherent vision is just astounding. To any who are musically inclined these books especially will speak to you.

These books are hard to put down. They read easy and they’ll ruin your social life…..ok maybe not that far but it can if you let it. Do yourself and your book collection a favor and pick up Patrick Rothfuss’ books. If you like Lord of the Rings, A Song of Fire and Ice and Star Wars novels this is a series you want to have.

Guest Review Of Uprooted

This week my wife and I have been away on vacation but one of our friends has stepped up and provided a guest book review for us! She also happened to review a book that I am very much interested in reading, and her review has made me even more interested than before! 

Uprooted by Naomi NovikReviewed by Aglaia

One part Jane Eyre, one part Harry Potter, one part fairy tale, all parts fun. Despite suspicions that Uprooted would be just another young adult fiction fluff text, I found myself greatly enjoying Naomi Novik’s newest foray into the forest of words. 

Agnieszka is an accident-prone young girl who has grown up on the edge of a forest in which lurks more dangers than just bears or snakes. And if the dangers of the forest aren’t enough, there’s the every-ten-year selection of a young girl by the local official, Dragon. When Agnieszka is unexpectedly chosen by Dragon, her life changes over night. Her selection rips her away from all she knows and deposits her into a world of magic and spells where she must discover her own talents and gifts.

From there, Uprooted moves with break-neck speed between events, and the reader is pulled along for a fun ride as Agnieszka learns about magic and how to defend her town and country from an encroaching power. Along the way, she unwillingly falls in love with her mysterious and cold mentor. The quick pacing and action packed scenes move smoothly through the plot points, and I found myself compelled to keep turning pages into the wee hours of the night.

I did think of this as a gothic romance with magic. Agnieszka is a heroine as awkward as any Jane Eyre, and Dragon is a love interest with a darkness and prickliness equal to any Rochester or Heathcliff. Combine the gothic feel with a dash of Harry Potter-like magic in a world ruled by age-old stories of nature, and the story comes alive in an entirely entertaining fashion. While none of the characters carries extreme depth, they are still interesting enough for a reader to follow.

Perhaps the biggest “flaws” I found were the heavy-handed environmental statement at the story’s climax and the sometimes over-used first person narrative. The former is mitigated by the logic of its origins within the story itself, and the latter can be overlooked for the sheer fun of the story.

Overall, I found myself truly “uprooted” from my own reality and transplanted into an ancient world of spells, magic, and arcane wonders. I would strongly recommend this book for a fun, fiction break from heavier, academic texts.

Our Weekly Dark Horse Presents (Vol 8)

Dark Horse Presents Volume 8
Unfortunately I missed a few weeks of my weekly reading/reviewing of DHP! Sorry about that! The weekly reviewing has been a great help to me for developing as a reader/reviewer and it is something I truly enjoy. Hopefully these past few weeks will be the only ones I miss. Now on to this enjoyable volume of Dark Horse Presents!

Gene Shock, The Vitruvian Man by Steve Mattsson, Mark Badger, and Art Nichols

This story seems to be taking shape as a SuperHero story but one with a SuperHero that seems a bit difficult to like. The lead character comes across as a bit arrogant. Not sure if that is what the creators intended but it is a bit put offish. 

Roma by John Workman

Good sequential art, but unlike previous episodes this one doesn’t do very much to further the overall story. It provides some filler material though and that can be important. 

Concrete by Paul Chadwick

Superb as always. The concern that he has gone too far and possibly hurt someone makes him more human and the inner battle that Concrete fights in this installment mirrors our own. Concrete is a beautiful comic book.