Monthly Archives: April 2017

Rock Star Mercenaries Getting The Band Together Again!

Do you remember that rock band you loved as a kid? The one that everyone knew was the BEST?! The one you’d always measure every other band against? And then they all went their separate ways… disbanded… settled down… got old…. Well, what if you could get them back together for one amazingly glorious tour? Do you think they’d rock it?? Could they still slay?

Kings Of The Wyld by Nicholas Eames doesn’t feature an aged rock band getting back together. Instead it features an aged band of mercenaries in a world that reveres mercenary bands as ours does rock stars, and this particular band was the greatest ever! That is they were the greatest ever before they quit, broke up the band, went their separate ways, and got old. But now years later their front man needs the band back together again for one last quest and this quest is the most dangerous one they’ve ever taken on, but it’s also the most important. If they fail, the front man’s daughter dies, and civilization might follow into destruction soon after. 

This book kicks ass! It’s downright funny, adventurous, exciting, touching, heart wrenching, and engaging! The world building is fun, the action is intense, the characters well done, and it’s an all around good read. I downloaded a sample and after the first chapter I purchased the whole book because it’s amazing! It’s difficult to believe this is the author’s first book but it is so the future is bright! Give Kings Of The Wyld a try, just be prepared to set aside all your other books for it! This reader can’t wait for more from the author. 

Feature Friday: Brian Ruckley

Feature Friday consists of short feature pieces on authors who deserve attention. These Feature Fridays will hopefully draw your eyes to some amazing books you might have otherwise missed! 

Today’s Feature Friday features: Brian Ruckley!

My first introduction to Brian Ruckley was to read his amazing book The Free which tells the tale of the greatest band of mercenaries ever taking one final contract that could spell their doom while possibly saving the world. It’s also the tale of a young lad snatched up from his family home and thrust into his lord’s army who ends up surviving his first taste of war and falling in with The Free. It’s a beautifully tragic tale that is full of magic and warfare. Truly an incredible book!

Brian Ruckley also wrote The Godless World Trilogy which is amazing. I’m on the final book of the trilogy now. It is a brutal world that was abandoned by the gods who created it. The beings left on the planet are warring amongst themselves and are unleashing furious magic upon the world. I honestly don’t know how this trilogy will close and have no idea if the primary characters will live to that end. That makes me love this trilogy all the more. 

Brian Ruckley’s work is incredibly good! Very well written characters, excellent world building, tragic realities, brutal warfare, and captivating stories! I hope you give his work a read! Download a sample of The Free here and be ready to enjoy an incredibly moving story. 

Feature Friday: Karissa Laurel

One thing we need to do is post more and one thing that helps us do so is having themes to keep up with. Introducing: Feature Friday! Feature Friday will be short feature pieces on authors who deserve attention. These Feature Fridays will hopefully be fun and hopefully draw your eyes to some amazing books you might have otherwise missed! 

To kick off our very first Feature Friday we present: Karissa Laurel!

Karissa’s Norse Chronicles is one of my favorite series. It’s a modern day tale of Ancient Norse Dieties in our world, and of the people who are drawn into their battles! It’s good stuff! The series starts off with Midnight Burning and you can find RedStarReviews’ review of it Here.

Karissa’s stories are engaging, the characters are living, their interactions draw you in, and the story is intensely good! Y’all should download a sample of her work to your ereaders and give the story a try this weekend. 🙂 

This is the first of (hopefully) many Feature Fridays and our hope is that we get to introduce readers and writers to each other! Happy Friday.

This Story Has Heart!

As y’all know I feature independent or small press authors that I really think shine like a bright star in the sky. I’ve just read one that burns so brightly it’s like a nova! It is in contention to be one of my favorite books this year!

What book is this? It is The Heart Of Stone by Ben Galley! A standalone fantasy that is full of old magic, new characters, and a fresh story! 

The Heart Of Stone is the story of Task, a 400+ year old golem who has been created by and enslaved to treacherous warlords who have forced him to unleash devastation on wartorn lands. All the while ignoring or actively trying to destroy the conscience that burns within Task. 

But Task isn’t the only amazing POV character! You have a villainous warlord, a treacherous spy, a brave girl, and a cowardly hero! All bring powerful perspectives to an engaging story. Each character compels you to turn the pages so that you can see what happens next. 

I tore through this book. I could barely stop reading it to sleep! It kept me up well past bedtime and had me waking up early to sneak in more reading. I love getting to see humanity through the eyes of an ancient being and Ben Galley delivers on that concept.

The Heart Of Stone is a book I think you’ll love and I’m encouraging you to check out this bright star in the reading galaxy. It’s a rewarding read that’ll leave you fulfilled while still wanting more. You can find it for sale here. Let me know what you think about it once you read it! I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this awesome story. 

DNF Books!

DNF Books: Did Not Finish Books. What makes you not finish a book?

Maybe you found the book to be boring, predictable, and have shallow characters?

Maybe you tried to read the entire series at once and got burned out on it?

Maybe even though you love the author and it’s not a book in a series you find that the author has told the same story one too many times?

Or maybe you just got bored?

What makes you not finish a book? Any of these reasons? Or another? What causes you to walk away from a story? 

Bonus notes: 

If you want to see how to remove pesky sticker covers from your books you can find out HERE. 

If you’d like to see me chat about these books you can watch me on BookTube.

Hope y’all are having a wonderful April!